What Address? lets you find your current address and any address on the map, save and share locations and display them again on the map around you.
With What Address? you can:
★ Find, Save & Share Location
Save and share your current location with just one click with high accuracy.
★ Save all Location Details
Save important details like Title, Address, Latitude and Longitude for any location.
★ Display Saved Locations
Going to a new place and doing research on where to go? Display all your saved locations on a map!
★ Save Location Edits
Easily edit your saved locations, or remove unwanted ones.
★ Measure Straight Line Distance
Show distance between your current location and any point on the map!
★ Online/Offline Support
App works with and without the Internet. You can save new location without internet if you use GPS.
★ Different Map Types
You can see maps in Satellite or Hybrid views.
★ Navigate to Locations
Navigate with ease and find the quickest route to all your destinations.
Real world example:
Visiting a new city for the first time? With What Address? You can quickly show and save the location details such as Restaurants, Museums and other cool places in a matter of few clicks. Try it now and see how it works!